• Member Since 9th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Not much to say. I love to write, and I write just about every kind of story.

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Taking a Few Commissions · 8:39pm May 12th, 2022

Hey, for anyone interested, I was planning to take some commissions.
Length can be between 2-10 thousand words.
Price is $14 per thousand words and I will update you regularly while writing as well as give you access to the document.

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Report theponycaptorproject · 619 views ·
Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77

Hope you'll take a look at it sometime. I'm rather new to this field of writing.

My fic with Cadance and her brother is out. I will hopefully have the rape story with Posey out sometime this week.

Sure thing. I'm gonna make a clop fanfic of Cadance and her brother figure oc first though.

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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