Question? · 4:31pm Mar 26th, 2018
Hello again, after conversing with a friend about the revision some things came up that could greatly expand on what I originally planed. I was going to expand and go into more detail about Twilight's upbringing with Sombra which I'm still doing, but it came up that maybe I should make a dual perspective and also cover how Shining's life was altered and make him a more prominent character. Maybe make him more than just a guard possibly some what of a pupil to Celestia like Twilight would have
Aw, lol, the lack of glasses fooled me I guess.
Fun that picture was described as being Vinyl Scratch but I guess that could work as well.
I'm surprised there aren't any Gleaming Shield stories in your works, considering the avatar you got. Any plans related to that?
Lol, IKR, seriously. Gave me a good chuckle.