• Member Since 18th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Dreadknight garen



lookin for another story · 8:27pm Sep 3rd, 2018

the details im gonna describe are pretty broad, but its the most i remember

human comes to equestia

can somehow regenerate himself even from things that should be fatal

he goes blind, but somehow rainbowdash helps him see again

This is the biggest points i remember, the story might have gotten deleted.

Report Dreadknight garen · 358 views ·
Comments ( 301 )
  • Viewing 297 - 301 of 301

im coming out of lurking to ask what snuff fics ive even commented on? usually i usually dont read them because its excessive and feels like the writer has issues

I've seen how he comments on snuff fics. It's accurate.

Somehow I saw your name as Dreadknight Karen and got suck a good kek outta it I thought I should share. Cheers mate!

  • Viewing 297 - 301 of 301
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