• Member Since 5th Mar, 2014
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Redbow Rose

Just a Pegasus pony who happens to be a writer, nothing going on here!

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Cancelling and story ideas · 9:31am Sep 1st, 2021

So...been a while. I'll just say that I'll be putting all my stories on canceled, no kidding that I'll continue them. I just haven't had the drive I used to and, honestly, my story was doomed to fail. It was a spur of the moment thing and without a plan past the coronation arc I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. So yeah...I do hope someone takes my idea and can write a proper story with it! I'm just sorry for everyone who's been hoping for nothing. I don't think it's a bad concept, it simply

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Report Redbow Rose · 652 views · Story: An Unexpected Twilight ·
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Thanks for showing Forbidden Melodies some love by giving it a favorite and putting it in your Best shelf. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Hey, I hope you're well. Just thought I'd let you know. :twilightsheepish:

Is everything okay over there?

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