• Member Since 15th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Aug 31st, 2024

Gizmo Gear

I'd been burned out, but I'm hopefully back a bit more often now. May or may not write some. If you'd like to boop me where I'm ALWAYS on, my Discord is mdbgamer. My schedule is wonky though!

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Live your lives · 2:31pm Feb 8th, 2024

I've come once more to poke in, say hi, do a thing. It's been a while since I first popped into this site, a cringe worthy teenager. Socially inept and socially inexperienced. I'd lived under some terrible burdens at the time, and the simplicity but down to Earth brightness of ponies got me through my darker periods. I could smile, laugh, follow along with every song. I cannot stress enough how much that helped me.

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Comments ( 173 )
  • Viewing 164 - 173 of 173

Thank you for taking an interrest in Crushed: the beginnings, I hope you'll enjoy it, once you get time to read it.

I don't know of any active ones, but I know there's one involving Gine being dropped into Equestria. I haven't really delved into it, but I think there are a couple groups for DB crossovers.

Any good DBZ storys in Fimfiction you can recommend? I just finish a Saga not to long ago and since you once try writing one you might have a recommendations for me?

Eh, the story is good, despite any issues. :twilightsmile:

ah, it warms my heart to see people are still recommending my stuff despite the issues. :twilightsheepish:

Ah, someone mentioned something about another fic, and I was reminded of Soldier of Magic, and they asked me for the link. It really is a great story!

Heh yeah been working on it a lot.

I am now curious about tje convo as I didn't know people were talkong about my works after a thos time.:twilightblush:

I read the original Soldier of Magic a while back, ans it came up in a conversation so I looked it up. I knew thwre was a sequel or something, but I hadn't realized there was that much to read. xd

Thank you for your interest in Soldiers of Hope and These Final Words.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

May I ask what caught you're interest?

Yw! I shall be checking it out soonish. :twilightsmile:

I have a few open books as is. :twilightsheepish:

  • Viewing 164 - 173 of 173
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