• Member Since 11th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen March 30th


I am 22 years old, a long time user on Fimfiction.net, and will accept any and all help from anyone on this site. I LOVE the DW&A radio drama, and any stories that are based off them!!

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In need of somepony to proofread and/or edit my past stories. · 3:45pm Mar 3rd, 2017

To anyone who enjoys my work, I would appreciate it if you guys would help proofread and give me tips on how to edit my past stories, and/or make them better. I would love your feedback and insight. :twilightsmile:

Shine brightly, my Friends!

-Brightly Litt

Report Brightly-litt · 271 views ·
Comments ( 50 )
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You are very welcome! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for following!

2439025 Ummm. . . how did you share these docs with me, btw?
P.S. I've read most of these stories ^u^

2439025 Thank you! But, I might never write about that erotic stuff, I only read those in my leisure time.

2430965 I noticed that you had sent me a message regarding the addition of your stories to my list of ones I'd like to read later on. Thanks for that.

I'd be happy to read the stories that you've made, so far.

This may not mean much. However, if you want to know how can improve upon your stories, then might I direct you to these documents:




Also, these may be helpful to you, as well:



(I'm not sure how'd they apply to the kinds of stories that you like to write. However, I'd just thought to add those in there).

There are a couple more documents / guides on how to create stories of different genres. But, I think I might send those over to you via personal messaging (if that's okay with you).

  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50
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