A friend who needs love. · 9:46pm Jan 17th, 2015
Ok, I have no clue what to say here. Everyone knows Blue Ice Tales, right? So he is fricking thinking me thoughts minus suicide, and has changed his name to 000. Just go look him up, read his latest blog. Comment, make him understand. We care. Oh, and dont read my comment.
Zel for da win...
1741719 I was just worried... you've been awfully quiet.
and I'm fine. thanks for asking
1736795 fine, just extremely busy with school and stories and stuff. I'm sorry if I concerned you somehow, and how're you?
hello? it's me. Derec.. you're okay?
1678452 I had a hard night yesterday.
but why are things horrid for you?
1656503 Horrid. You?