• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2015


Hello! I am a depressing girl with an odd love of miniature equines and Homestuck. I have a crippling addiction to Anime, but other than that I'm somewhat sane!

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Comments ( 156 )
  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156

1741719 I was just worried... you've been awfully quiet.

and I'm fine. thanks for asking

1736795 fine, just extremely busy with school and stories and stuff. I'm sorry if I concerned you somehow, and how're you?

hello? it's me. Derec.. you're okay?

1678452 I had a hard night yesterday.
but why are things horrid for you?

  • Viewing 152 - 156 of 156
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Bucket list

One follower :yay:
five followers :yay:
ten followers :yay:
fifteen followers :yay:
twenty followers :yay:
thirty followers :fluttercry:
fifty followers :fluttercry:
one hundred followers :fluttercry:
get followed by skeeter the lurker :fluttercry:
have skeeter the lurker post a comment on one of my stories :fluttercry:
become as well known as skeeter the lurker :fluttercry:
have one story featured :fluttercry:

Who I am

I am a sorceress. Not just a sorceress, but one of chaos. I stand up for my friends, and what is right. Many hate me, particularly due to disliking p e w d i e pie. Those who hate me would tell you l'm insane, but I am. I don't care. Honestly, the monster under my bed and Slendy make great company! Sometimes I even get to play with Ally! OK, enough about how I am involved with creepypasta characters, (supposedly they aren't real) I love some chaos, and I am easily offended. With that and the fact that Slendy, Ally, Big Daddy(not a creepypasta) are all watching my back, I would say to try not to cross me. That means no poking (You know who you are) or shenanigans. I call shenanigans, nopony else does. Now Slendy needs my help. Remember kids; don't mine at night, go into the forest, or call slenderman slendy.(unless youre me)


A friend who needs love. · 9:46pm Jan 17th, 2015

Ok, I have no clue what to say here. Everyone knows Blue Ice Tales, right? So he is fricking thinking me thoughts minus suicide, and has changed his name to 000. Just go look him up, read his latest blog. Comment, make him understand. We care. Oh, and dont read my comment.

Zel for da win...

Report crystal_chaos · 448 views ·