• Member Since 21st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Mar 10th, 2016


And with that, I became the first recipient of a bitch slap into Reality from myself.



Stuff · 9:19pm Mar 5th, 2016

I'd like to say one thing before you read this: None of you remember me in anyway- if you do, it would be as that one guy who stopped roleplaying.
Though, to be honest, I doubt anyone is reading this.


Report Reality-Related · 379 views ·
Comments ( 176 )
  • Viewing 172 - 176 of 176

Can you please add folders for the “(Nice) Diamond Tiara” group so that stories can be added in?

2509486 You too. Take care and keep fighting the good fight. And try to stay clear of jet engines for as long as you can.

That's a powerful experience to have had and for you to share, with lessons learned and memories made throughout I'm sure.

I know we'll all leave here someday for one reason or another, so until then just keep doing what you're doing, and from one faceless stranger to another I sincerely hope the best for you with whatever you do.

2509294 I got close with a girl on another site. We talked personal things and shared secrets. She had cancer and a low chance of survival. One day, I get a PM that she passed away from the clogged artery. She had a message for me, saying to remember her whenever I eat apples (inside thing we had talked about).

If I ever leave, I will definitely write a blog about it. However, if a jet engine falls on my bed tonight, I'll just disappear.

If I'm lucky I'll know when I'm done here, and post a farewell. In the event of a tragedy, then there's nothing really i can do.

  • Viewing 172 - 176 of 176
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