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- Applejack writes a diary of how her Aunt Orange Abused her in Manehattansurprisepony · 1.1k words · 11 2 · 919 views
- 5 years ago, Twilight was crowned Princess of Friendship. She wants more than that as time goes on, because what exactly does the Princess of Friendship do for economy except sit and give lectures? She got the power and it went right to her head.surprisepony · 3.5k words · 649 views
- Scootaloo is stuck in an ally, yearning for something to do. She goes to see her idol, but an unfortunate event happens...causing them to break bonds. One shot.surprisepony · 1k words · 20 20 · 2k views
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How'd I earn the watch?
and that, is a ton of eponies
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