• Member Since 14th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen March 28th


Coming soon the Ghosttamer Story IDEA! Challenge. I blog a story Idea and you try to get your story as my #1 favorite story of the month. Find 2 challenges on Fanfiction profile same user name.


Important announcement · 6:43pm Apr 9th, 2016

My first blog folks so Ahem!
:coolphoto:Have stories up for adoption? I have a group that might help get them noticed. One of two groups for putting stories up for adoption for now. Feel free to share the news.:coolphoto:
That is all.

Report Ghosttamer · 228 views ·
Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

Hey!:pinkiehappy: I posted a new story called Emerald's Struggle! Go check it out!

If you want to:fluttershysad:

Let's try to get this Story featured!:yay:


Added my story to the new group!!
thnx again!!

Thanks for the watch! :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for adding Epic True Story to your favorites! If I may ask, what did you like about it?

Happy New Year and God Bless!!

Thank you for the favorite on my Princes Luna fan fiction. :)

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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Best story of all that I have read.

Friendship Contract
The Truth of Bonds and Friendship