• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday



Sorry folks. · 1:14am Dec 20th, 2018

Due to unforeseen circumstances, all my stuff is going on hiatus. again. Sorry.

Reason: Family issues.

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Comments ( 135 )
  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135

Hope you're doing alright, Inazuma. Even though we haven't spoken for a while, I do hope everything is going alright where you are. :ajsleepy:

Thank you for your interest in my work!

Ah. Well, I took it down because I'm really not happy with it any more. I might redo it eventually, but right now I have no plans to do so any time soon. Feel free to check out my other story though. :twilightsmile:

2282366 I don't understand it myself either. I was cleaning my pc's history when I came across your story. Not recognizing it, I clicked on it to see what story it was and if I should delete it or not (from my history). This took me to the page where I checked it out and recognized it. I looked to see if it was in the appropriate folders, imagine my surprise when it did not turn up when I put in the appropriate tags. Naturally I thought it was my pc acting up again, so I took it out the folders then put it back/refreshed, still nothing. I went to your homepage to see if it would make a difference, imagine my surprise when I didn't see this particular story listed among your stories. I went back to the story and I noticed your comment and I put two and two together, and well....here we are.

Hey Inazuma,

I just noticed that you added my story Twilight Makes Amends to one of your folders. First of all, thanks.

That said, given that I unpublished that story months ago, I would like to know how you even found it.

  • Viewing 131 - 135 of 135
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