Welcome to the Flashfic group! This is the home of the Flashfic 150 contest, a simple monthly event for 150-word flash fiction. No prizes, no pressure, just fun! (Yep: the lack of any real prizes is deliberate.) Please see the "Rules and Q&A" thread in the forum for more details on how Flashfic 150 works.
February contest now open! Prompt: A Window of Opportunity. All welcome!
January winner: exilearc for "Family Photo". (Prompt: Low Resolution)
You can also use the forum here to discuss flash fiction -- for the purposes of this group, that means literary works shorter than the 1,000-word limit Fimfiction imposes on single stories. If you have an anthology of flashfics, feel free to submit it to the Anthologies folder. And if you expand any of your flash fiction into a standalone story, feel free to submit that to the Expanded Flashfics folder.
This is a Teen-rated group, so please avoid NSFW fics or discussion topics.
Have fun!
Group banner from "Tanks for the Memories"; provided by hawthornbunny.
Group icon adapted from this public domain image; provided by Loganberry.
Take a look at the Anthologies folder. Here's mine, as an example. Does this answer your question?
May I ask how yall structure your stories, especially for 1k words?
Welcome! A nice little coincidence that your first submission was called (in part) "Navel Gazing" just after I'd reviewed Pascoite's own Naval Gazing on the blog.
Pasco lured me in. We’ll see what comes of it.
Indeed. One day I'll notice these things less than a year later...
I'm here also
415248 And only now do I realise that the group has front page comments.
Hey this is the thing