In the middle of the night seventeen year old Blake awakens when he suddenly finds his body changing into one both different and familiar.
From normal human male to equine mare goddess of night, he or rather she will now be spending alot more time up at night then usual.
Sex tag for references to the act and not explicit sex
Parasite Nightmare, no thanks.
-Begin comment-
I have no idea where this story is going, try to make the story more, um follow-able? Having a clearly defined path for the story really helps.
You did a great job with the amount of words in the chapter that in itself is commendable. Also I don't understand this [ his hair was pure blade from the day he was born. ] it might be a spelling error.
-End comment-
I’m liking the story so far. So I’m looking forward to reading more
How often would a chapter show up or is it based on daily life
Really depends on how I'm feeling honestly
Wow Twilight, just wow
well things escalated rather quickly for him. (her? now that he is NM)
Indeed, very unlucky day
In the words of Joseph Joestar, "Holy Sh*t"
Another chapter! Must read
Thanks, also sorry for such long durations between updates, I really suck and staying focused on stories
Take your time I’m not wanting to rush you
Thanks, I hope I can make a good story
Good chapter, a little editing and it will be 10/10.
i was hoping for a flutterstare
Depending on how things's very likely, I considered it's also the princesses so...yeah
Me gusta la historia y la trama 🌟
More pls
Hood? You mean hoof?
Broke? I don't know what you were thinking when you wrote that but did you mean group.
Bottom end of this. Shsd? I don't know with this one. And it doesn't seem to flow properly near the end but I can't help you there.
I really like these kind of Nightmare Moon stories and I can't wait for the next chapter.
Oh jeez I wrote waaaaaaaaay to big problem with writing is im mostly thinking words and typing, when I should be reading what I right...
Thanks for the help I fixed the mistakes you pointed out
I like it and hope for more.
Thanks and I'll try
Give it another look over, there are several mistakes that are easily fixed just by taking a look. A lot of mistakes caused by auto correct really. Such as "Pony fill" and "Food".
No problem.
I look forward to the next chapter.
Why is it that every story i ever come across that deals with transformation also has pointless gender change? Why cant the MC be female from the start if the damn thing the become has to be female? Just why is this so common with either with what you did or just suddenly hijacking someone elses body? I cant understand!
towards pony fill hospital?
I think you meant ponyville hospital
Adds more to deal with, and I personally enjoy it.
That's fair. It's just how common it is that gets on my nerves.
I can understand that
awww, poor NMM
Maybe it's the RWBY fan in me, but isn't Blake a girl's name?
It's a gender neutral name actually
Yay another update and so soon after the last. Hope the frequent updates keep up! I love Human turned NMM stories.
She needs a hug.
When Rainbow finds out NMM can't fly she is going to have some conflicting feelings. Considering her obsession with flying she would want to teach NMM but would probably realize it would be bad idea to make current "threat" harder to beat with fligth lessons.
But I could be wrong.
Thanks, as do I, and I'm trying I just have trouble coming up ideas for chapters and what will be in the chapters
Good idea
Aside from some spelling and grammar issues, this is pretty interesting.
Uh, I would recommend that you use Grammarly to fix your grammatical and spelling errors... Because while the concept is good, there’s a bunch of errors that makes it hard to read.
Um will this story be comtinued?
You really shouldn’t reuse the exact same text from a previous dream sequence just say that you had the same dream as last night the readers will know what you mean
I suppose it's time to say that this story is dead. Sad thing...
Its always yhe good stories