• Member Since 27th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Molly Dreemurr

Well... How to say that, I'm just your average gril... well, soon to be. Hope this is enough. See you all


browser ponies · 5:53am Feb 16th, 2017

Everyone, I usually don't post here unless there are big news I wanna share...
but this, it's nothing big
just saying things

so do you know about the browser ponies ?
Chrome, IE, Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera (some others, but the six here are the most know)
to me when we talk about the browser
Chrome is the best

but speaking about the browser ponies...
no one is better, they are all cute as heck

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

it was a pleasure to read, hope to see more of it

Thanks for adding Cards Against Starlight to your tracking!

I love you current pic, it is like Tempest Shadow is a Changeling

thanks for the cookies
nibbles on it
and it was an amazing read

Hello! Thanks for adding 'A Chaotic Adventure' to your bookshelf. Hope you did enjoy it and here's a cookie for you to munch on while reading.

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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