• Member Since 22nd Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2017

Mademoiselle Noir

I'm a weird kind of person, really shy, but always willing to listen when people talk to me.

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102 followers! · 2:10am Aug 22nd, 2017

I hit 102 followers!
Thank you guys so much! I've not been around for a while because of certain reasons, but I really love being on here! Thank you so much for supporting me and staying with me!

Report Mademoiselle Noir · 334 views ·
Comments ( 149 )
  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149

Thanks for the follow Mademoiselle!

Read my new story when you have the time.

Hey there Madoemoiselle Noir, you doing okay?

Thank you for the follow, may I ask why?

Thanks for the watch, now stand guard!

  • Viewing 145 - 149 of 149
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