• Member Since 6th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 7th, 2023


✨Hi, I'm Kitty! I'm not really active much on here anymore but if you want to talk to me, do message me on discord! Have a lovely day! ✨


Discord Server! · 4:46pm Aug 11th, 2017

I have my own discord server if anyone wants to join! Its where i'm at most of the time when i'm on!
Come join!

Report Kittycat01 · 353 views ·

Rose Petal fan art!

About me!

Hi my name is KateLynn and I'm your friendly neighborhood kitty!
I tend to draw art when I have the free time and motivation to do so! I'm not very active on this site anymore but I'd like to change that (no promises!), I'm more active on my discord server (I'm usually on everyday!).
I'm currently dating a lovely person who knows who she is :heart:!
I'm overall a very friendly but shy person so please do not be afraid to come talk to me!
I adore any kind of cute animal...especially corgi's and kittens!
Most of the art I do now is posted on my twitter so feel free to come follow me!
I'm running out of things to say here so if I didn't cover something that I didn't cover here, feel free to ask me!
Here is a list of places where you can find me! :D
On twitter! :3
On deviantart :3
On fanfiction :3
On Wattpad :3
On quotev :3
On twitch! :3
On Ao3 (Archive of our own) :3
On Youtube :3
On Tumblr :3
Discord ~> Kitty_cat01#1332


It’s been awhile · 4:40pm Jul 2nd, 2020

Hi guys! It’s been so long since I’ve last been on here and made a blog post! I just wanted to come on and say that I’m not really active on here anymore. I’ve made some great memories and made some great friends on here that I won’t forget. So thank you all for everything and I wish everyone the best!

Report Kittycat01 · 255 views ·
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