• Member Since 11th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2020


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I think I'll maybe going back to this account soon · 9:19pm Jun 3rd, 2019

My 2017 accounts have been a big failure, I make the two accounts to a start a new but the same keep happening to me.......So why not I guess?

Report thelaidbackguy · 307 views ·
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Merry Christmas! :twilightsmile:

And a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Pastel Candy Candies deleted Jan 30th, 2017
Comment posted by thelaidbackguy deleted Jan 28th, 2017
Comment posted by Rose the Changeling deleted Jan 29th, 2017
Comment posted by Rose the Changeling deleted Jan 29th, 2017
Comment posted by Rose the Changeling deleted Jan 29th, 2017


100% all of his blogs are all about depression

Not really.

This is a writing site after all, not a site where you can talk about depression all the time. :/

You know why I'm on this site? It because I'm banned from DA and can talk to my friends. Why you guys like to overblown what I did?

Comment posted by Rose the Changeling deleted Jan 29th, 2017

I'm just sayin, his reply to shisghib kanojo or whoever that is came in hot.

2387533 He was being a jerk when he did that.

Dayyyyyyum! Rose the Changling is on FIRE!!

With that reply, at least. It's too early in the morning to actually read through all of these comments.

2387144 You don't know what really happen........:fluttercry:

2387209 Sorry to hear that. :/ But still, at least you can record and that's what matters.

2387200 I used to record on my phone
I lost it almost a year ago tho :L

2387195 I record using my Phone. The quality of the singing isn't great, so I had to delete video files and create new ones of me singing until I just... went with it. XP

2387190 It's also because I took like five minutes trying to get the audio to record right with some testing (the first lines of a different song :L)
I got it to record correctly, but by then they were kinda pissed at me

2387183 If you sing, so what? What's the point of complaining about it?

2387180 I have almost all the time in the world
My sisters just don't like me singing at all
I hate them

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