• Member Since 5th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen August 8th


Lurker Extraordinaire.

Bucket List.

Have 10 followers. [x]
Have 20 followers. [x]
Have 50 followers. [x] Q/A Special
Have 100 followers. [ ]
Have 200 followers. [ ]
Write 1 story. [x]
Write 2 stories. [ ]
Write 5 stories. [ ]
Go to a brony conferention. [x]


Proofreader needed. · 3:04pm Nov 29th, 2015

As the title said. I'm in need for one or two proofreaders for my next chapter of my story.

Anyone with a decent knowledge in Grammar, and who wants to spend a little bit of his time, just hit me up on PM.

Proofreader shall be credited of course.

(Rude language is very prominent in the story)

Stories I like


Name: Rodney.
Age: 24.
Gender: Male.
Personality type: INTP.
Country: The Netherlands.
Things I enjoy: Silence, Reading, Writing, Cycling, Nightly walks, Seclusion.
Things I dislike: Babies, Close-minded individuals, Being in crowded areas, Reality TV.
Favorite pony: Luna.
Favorite season: 5.
Favorite episode: Make New Friends but Keep Discord.
Favorite food: Basically anything.
Favorite music genre: Metal.

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Comments ( 107 )
  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107

https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1017935/new-start Follow my new fimfic profile please. I have authentication troubles with my old one so I'd love to have you follow me again.

2072294 we're gonna use unity. It's in c# or java.
Want a link to the blog?

2072227 Eh depends on what you are using on programming it. It has been a while since I had my hands on code. Especially on games.

2072194 you up for a project?
We're making a game and I was wondering if you're up to help us programming it.

2072064 I did study it yeah.

  • Viewing 103 - 107 of 107
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