My last and final goodbye · 12:10am Jul 30th, 2016
considering i only got 25 vews on my lats post and some only have 10 its obveus people arnt interseted inme anymore so i am hear to say fairwell i will be requesting a ban today.
This is important. Anyone who wants to contenu my storys may do so. I give full permition to anyone who wants to contenu my storys. just ask an admin to have them transfered and have them confirm my permition with my blog post. im done with fimfiction alone with my boyfriend. i hope you all have a good day.
2382131 Judging by what she said in front of the group's page, it doesn't even look like she was serious. She was probably wanting to get a laugh out of making that group.
Also, you must understand NightGlider had been through a lot of RL problems where she comes from. Especially being in a bad family she is raised in.
Okay she really just requested a ban herself.
But she did make said Hate Group
2376687 What the heck are you talking about? NightGlider didn't even do anything like that.
This person made a group for Trump hate and got banned because of it.
And now Trump has won!
>> Anglesong173 Thank you for the info. Tell NightGlider that I say feel better