Soooo apparently my friends say I'm like! ^^
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A Hell of a Time The princesses gave their magic to Twilight to prevent Tirek from stealing it. As a result, they end up stuck in Tartarus. The fact that things manage to go downhill here says a lot about the wonders of family. by Aragon 4,624 words · 4,051 · 57
Head in the Clouds Fame and fortune have their values. But sometimes ponies just want to be normal. by Calm Wind 51,758 words · 745 · 21
If Rainbow Dash can't sleep... ...ain't nopony gonna sleep. Not while she's trying to manage the usually-automatic feat while within her first-ever bout of insomnia... and given that it's Rainbow trying to work this out, probably not even after. by Estee 5,172 words · 450 · 7
Kickin' Flanks You see them saving Equestria. You watch them learning about friendship. You might even worship one as your immortal royal sun goddess. You think they're ponies just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong! by Xtralife 78,205 words · 71 · 4
These stories are so awesome, guys if you haven't read them you totally should
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Of Blood And Water The mythical Atlantean Empire strikes from the shadows one summer day, leaving Equestria's eastern seaboard in ruins. by Atlantean 21,713 words · 28 · 0
Storm in the Sky A conspiracy is unfolding in Cloudsdale! Can Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo figure out what is going on and stop this tide of darkness before it is too late? by Dashieluvzcandy 9,376 words · 24 · 1
Piercing the Heavens Sequel to Flying Sky-High. A lot has happened, but now Rainbow Dash finally has a chance to fulfill her dream and become a Wonderbolt. As the process begins, will her relationship with Soarin be a blessing? Or will it be a curse? by Calm Wind 2,322,573 words · 986 · 68
Go read these guys. They're so awesome! *squee*
Where did you go?
1736962 alright thank you
Sure, just send me a PM.
1736944 .....oh. I see..listen can we talk privately about this after I come home from school?
I'm trying to find anyone who knows where he is in real life because he's planning suicide.