• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen July 12th


A brony who's constantly traveling around

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Blog Worthy · 1:10am Nov 2nd, 2023

Back in February and March I was over in Laos. This was after going to India for four weeks. I fractured my leg from crashing a motorcycle. After coming down from a winding stretch of mountain expanse with no petrol stations, service, or people for 40 kilometers, I finally came to a straightaway, and was 15 minutes away from a tourist destination that was going to be my next stop. There was a herd of cows about 100 meters infront of me alongside the road. As I got closer, 4-5 of them turned and

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Report Bromad · 70 views ·
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I haven't gotten very far into the story yet what I mostly love about your story vault dweller is the concept it's very interesting.

Thanks for the follow, Pal! Allow me to return the favor.

Thanks for the watch! 🌈🦈

Not really. Just a sucker for Fallout related fics.

(And it’s one of the best ones I’ve seen in a while)

Thanks for the Follow; I really appreciate it!

  • Viewing 6 - 10 of 10
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