• Member Since 19th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen June 11th

Magos Xenos Disathairne

Titans striding forward, Ordinatii by the score

Comments ( 40 )
  • Viewing 21 - 40 of 40

Thanks for the bookshelves

Thanks for favoriting scribble. Deuces.

Thank you for the follow and reading my fic! :heart:

Thanks for the add.

Thank you for adding The Trials of Destiny to your Animoo bookshelf!

Thanks for the fave on Magister

thanks for the bookmark!

I like your name. :twilightsmile:

I liked it, but I feel that there ought to have been a rebuke towards whomever wrote the letter.

Glad you liked Letter to Cozy Glow's Parents!

Thanks for the interest in my story!

Hello there! Thank you for the follow!

Thank you for the watch. Hope you continue to like what you see. :twilightsmile:

Hey there! Thanks for the Follow and the Fav!

Thanks for adding Fallout Girls to your library, I try to update every two weeks!

Awesome pic for the Everything else folder by the way!

The next chapter is nigh, mine friend. One scene to write still, then editing... It shalt be up anon, mayhap next week. I would like to release the chapters monthly; alas, mine daily duties hardly allow me succeed at that valorous task.

Thanks for finding interest and adding The Guardian to thy library :yay:

  • Viewing 21 - 40 of 40
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