• Member Since 28th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2019


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I'm done with all of this mess · 4:44am Oct 6th, 2019

It's there plain and simple: I'm done with all of this mess.

I'm through with Fimfiction, was briefly through with writing, and was about to leave computers because I was stressed to a breaking point and depressed to the point of wanting to take my own life. Thankfully, that has changed.

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Report TwiPON3 · 1,134 views ·

FimFiction Discord Server · 1:03am Aug 3rd, 2019

Seeing as how the current system for this website (and even moreso its server on Discord) is run completely in a screwed-up manner by individuals who are so full of themselves and have no humility or reguard for other humans whatsoever, I have decided to make a discord server for this website that is run CORRECTLY, as in not how those in power operate under any circumstances. I should know, as I have dealt with idiots like that all of my life. The staff will be chosen as

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Report TwiPON3 · 705 views ·

Blog Posts

  • 250 weeks
    I'm done with all of this mess

    It's there plain and simple: I'm done with all of this mess.

    I'm through with Fimfiction, was briefly through with writing, and was about to leave computers because I was stressed to a breaking point and depressed to the point of wanting to take my own life. Thankfully, that has changed.

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    11 comments · 1,134 views
Comments ( 168 )
  • Viewing 164 - 168 of 168

Maybe I can gets ome screenshots.


I can’t go in the discord server, because I got banned

Yeah, it got taken down. If you are a part of the FF discord server though, you can find what he said by searching up 'Twipon03' in the search bar and continuing to oldest.


I'm so sorry but the link doesn't work anymore


Wait what happened to him?

Also may I ask who you are talking about?

  • Viewing 164 - 168 of 168
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