• Member Since 24th May, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A newbie writer honestly

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  • 219 weeks
    My Stories

    I have recently been thinking to get back to work on my stories if you ever read them. I will probably normally add to "Earth meets Equestria" like normal, but with the other, I think I'll restart it from scratch. If you don't want me to do so, comment on that story about why you want it to stay the same and I'll consider it to stay the same, but I cannot guarantee it.

    0 comments · 260 views
  • 272 weeks
    Story Wait

    I'm sorry to anyone who may be waiting for my stories to progress, but I've been having a bit of writer's block so I can't seem to get anything down on the keyboard. I am still working on them though they'll probably just take a long time. I have been thinking of starting a new story or two for after I get further in with the others so you have that to look forward to( no I won't say what they're about just yet).

    0 comments · 214 views
  • 292 weeks
    The Beginning

    This is just to notify everyone about my Stories starting. They aren't the work of a famous author, but I am trying to be creative and I also will probably have long gaps in between each story since I'm not 24/7 with it comes to writing.

    0 comments · 309 views

My Stories · 9:04am Dec 5th, 2020

I have recently been thinking to get back to work on my stories if you ever read them. I will probably normally add to "Earth meets Equestria" like normal, but with the other, I think I'll restart it from scratch. If you don't want me to do so, comment on that story about why you want it to stay the same and I'll consider it to stay the same, but I cannot guarantee it.

Report Rubae · 260 views · Story: Earth meets Equestria · #Stories
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