• Member Since 28th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2019


Just a few more steps...


I'm done with all of this mess · 4:44am Oct 6th, 2019

It's there plain and simple: I'm done with all of this mess.

I'm through with Fimfiction, was briefly through with writing, and was about to leave computers because I was stressed to a breaking point and depressed to the point of wanting to take my own life. Thankfully, that has changed.

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FimFiction Discord Server · 1:03am Aug 3rd, 2019

Seeing as how the current system for this website (and even moreso its server on Discord) is run completely in a screwed-up manner by individuals who are so full of themselves and have no humility or reguard for other humans whatsoever, I have decided to make a discord server for this website that is run CORRECTLY, as in not how those in power operate under any circumstances. I should know, as I have dealt with idiots like that all of my life. The staff will be chosen as

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Fanclub Discord Server · 5:58am Jul 26th, 2019

https://discord.gg/narNSgG - Midniȝt Faŋ Fanclub

Anyone is welcome, just have some degree of decency.

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One last piece of content · 2:37pm Jul 10th, 2019

I decided I would post some piano music here.

Now, I'm beyond sick of taking blame forcefully for things I don't do and having my words twisted around like fuck. I probably won't be back on FimFucktion for a while, so you can go through my previous blog posts to find my Discord handle if you wish to communicate with me.

Last night, I had another dream, but this one involved me poisoning myself.

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For anyone that cares, here are my thoughts. · 4:29am Jul 10th, 2019

For what this blog is worth, piss all the-fuck over it if you want. I just want to get one last musing out.

There are a few phrases that I want you to keep in mind:

  1. Old woes are to be overcome, And we overcome them united (Triumph over bygone sorrow, Can in unity be won) Nationalhymn der DDR: Auferstanden aus Ruinen
  2. May the morning shine on the rivers and mountains of this land (Shine bright, you dawn, on this land so fair) 애국가

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My future on here · 11:26pm Jul 7th, 2019

I don't know if I intend to stay on here for much longer or not. My reasoning isn't that it's a bad site, it's just that I've been more-or-less offended by unnamed individuals.

I will not say anything, as I want to be the bigger person in this battle.

I originally found this website after a teacher's bullshit from my old school, and it helped me a lot.

Things have changed, and they appear to be my fault.

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Live stream · 12:10am Jun 23rd, 2019

Tonight, I'm going live on Twitch for the second time at 8:00 Central Time US.

Link to Stream

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YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter · 9:17pm Jun 20th, 2019

Okay, so my first YouTube Video just finished uploading, so I figured I'd post a link to my channel and other social medias.

YouTube Channel

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Discord Server · 3:17am Jun 13th, 2019

I have a discord server. Please join.


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Yeah, this dude got into a fight with a close friend and I wanted to post this · 7:09am May 18th, 2019

Not too long ago, this user (The one who attempted provoking me), got into a fight not too long ago with a REALLY close and good friend of mine, you may even say me and him are like brothers, and after a ban, I commented on his page something on behalf of my friend. When his ban was lifted, he came to my user page and commented this. I felt I should show you.

I mean no offense, again I just wanted to throw this out there for your guys's opinion.

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