• Member Since 17th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


"You don't forgive someone because they need it, you forgive someone because you need it," -Asura Kraken

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  • 282 weeks
    Preview of a One-shot In-Progress

    He stood there. At her side as the sun set for the final time in this millennium. He observed her weakened form. He gazed upon the mortal coil of she who was the sun, no, she who was the dying sun and he asked her.

    "Was it all worth it?

    She wanted to ask him to clarify but she knew. Mortal matters. Dealing with them, nurturing them as she did, simple interaction even.

    "Yes, yes it was,"

    And then she was no more.

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    0 comments · 278 views

Preview of a One-shot In-Progress · 7:32am Feb 25th, 2019

He stood there. At her side as the sun set for the final time in this millennium. He observed her weakened form. He gazed upon the mortal coil of she who was the sun, no, she who was the dying sun and he asked her.

"Was it all worth it?

She wanted to ask him to clarify but she knew. Mortal matters. Dealing with them, nurturing them as she did, simple interaction even.

"Yes, yes it was,"

And then she was no more.

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Report Orrm · 278 views ·
Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

No problemo.

Great game, that one.

Thank you, thought it was some deep hidden lore in Asura's Wrath for a second.

A very very very very(~6 years) long time ago, I used to read fictionpress. There was one story using villain who went by that alias. I think his actual name was Ahmed.

Can't quite remember.

I do remember the story having a mediocre plot, but, many, many excellent one-liners. I have stolen most of them, and they lay dormant in my documents.


Who's Asura Kraken?

Thank you for adding Can I have a hug please? To your library and the high rating. Though, out of curiosity, were do you think I could improve.

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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