• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen January 31st


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Meanwhile, in the Heart of Darkness... · 10:26am Nov 20th, 2017

Hello everyone. While I have my whereabouts public in some select places, I haven't really done so on the site, so I'll make the announcement here.

I am currently in the Heart of Darkness Africa to visit my family. As such, while I am not completely cut off from the world, my connection to everything is considerably more limited.

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Comments ( 151 )
  • Viewing 147 - 151 of 151

I HAVE IDEA, so i just got finished reading the Unity Triliogy
thing 1
thing 2
thing 3

and i got an idea for the next story you should do....
bassically a set number of towns, alien, pony or human you choose, with a set number of people, somewhere in the 5 to 10 thousand ratio, along with their surrounding region, and from a time period of your choice, from roman times to the world wars, the cold war to alien settlements - you get the idea.

get transported to a third world outside of their reality and they have to work together to survive the horrors of this new world and uncover a mystery that is a few thousand centuries old.

Thank you for existing, I suppose.

  • Viewing 147 - 151 of 151
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