• Member Since 8th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2014

Gravitys Rainboom


Spartans never die, they're just missing in action. This has never been more true for Jorge-052 as, after activating the slipspace drive that was supposed to kill him, he is instead flung into a strange world where war is but a distant memory. Will the aging soldier be able to adapt to this new peaceful planet? Or will his only salvation be found in finding a way back to his own chaotic universe?

(It's my first time, so be gentle)
Now featuring a TVTropes page by Sabo88

Chapters (18)
Comments ( 3093 )

JORGE! My favorite character from Reach! I'm going to drop what I'm doing and read it now.

interesting idea, reading now

Aww hells yeah, shining the spotlight on Jorge for once:pinkiehappy:

I love the description. Two paragraphs in and I think I'm in for the long haul.

Well. As an avid Halo fan I must say, this could almost stand up on its own as a oneshot at Fanfiction.net. But it's not. This is not your grave. But you are welcome in it!:pinkiecrazy: Will enjoy seeing more of this.

Why did i not think of this THIS IS AMAZING:raritystarry::pinkiehappy:

I think you really struck a nail on the head here. The psyche of a Spartan is rarely explored as well as you do it here, but I can't help but notice something missing.

Specifically, the fact that a Spartan-II is all about sacrifice. It really wouldn't require much in the way of change - but I think you should include that.

Other than that, I see no reason why I shouldn't favorite this and read it forever. Thank you for restoring some hope for the halo fans on this site.

Once this is(of if ever) I done, Emile should be next:pinkiecrazy:

I don't mind being a prereader.

:pinkiegasp: Twitchi-twich TWITCHI-TWITCH EVERYPONY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

...So many things missing. I will not take the time to point out everything. But I will point out the main problems. I say this because going a detailed review on a smartphone sycks and that's all I have to work with.

1. It's not "Spartan's never die, they just go missing in action." It's"Spartan's never die, they're just missing in action."

2. Jorge armor is MJOLNIR Mark V. Use the link.

3. Jorge is a SPARTAN II. The Spartan IIs are the best of the Spartans. In reality they barely remember their childhoods before they were conscripted at around the age of six. Your downplaying Jorge's personality. At least in my opinion.

Wow, that was actually damned good. This is probably one of the few if not only halo story on this site that actually appears to be written well.

I fucking LOVED the story of halo reach!!!!! I'm SO gonna read this...... later :pinkiehappy:

well, there goes studying for finals

I would love to pre-read! I mean, uh, yeah that'd be cool.


I had the same idea!

I even planned to use the same cover image!

Ok, now to read the story.

I volenteer! I volenteer as tribute!
Er...pre-reader. Yeah.

And then there's the Pinkie Sense. I wonder just what impact Mr. Spartan-052 is going to leave on the ground...

I like Emile the best but Jorge is a close second

I haven't read this yet. But I must say this, Jorge was best spartan - that is until he blew the shit outta some mutha fuckin covenent! YEAH! THEY GOT DEM BUG SHIT ALL OVER THEM MUTHA FUCKEN SELF, BLEW THE SHIT OUTA DEM! KILL ALL DEM MUTHA FUCKAS!

ok, calm down Varocity


Seriously, though. Shut the fuck up.



... ok

Ok, I'm liking where this is going.

I can edit your stuff. But be warned, I'll probably come off as a asshole in my edit notes.

You have my attention:moustache: . . . continue.

This is pretty good, i am enjoying this so far. Keep it up! :twilightsmile:

Jorge i new you could not kill him

What is it about Jorge?

Halo and Pony crossovers have the unfortunate... curse of having one lackluster (at best) fic after another. Even when the spelling, grammar, and idea can sound interesting, it just goes


In comes Jorge. Have him as main.


JORGE!!! Y U SO AWESOME???dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Scootaloo.png

623888 Thanks for the advice, i acknowledge that Jorge 's armor is a MJOLNIR Mark V but i felt it irrelevant for the prologue which i am using just to set the stage for the story. As for the quote, wrote that based on my vague memory of the Halo novels and will change that ASAP. As for the childhood bit, that is supposed to take place after he is conscripted and during his training on Reach. I'm sorry if the prologue feels rushed but, like i said, this is my first fic and i was anxious to get to the main portion. Please don't stop sending me advice or tips on how to better my story.

I can tell right off the bat that he's going to hate Twilight at first.( I can just see him going "Purple! Purple pony! I hate purple!")

You're almost in featured, hope you make it there.

God damn the support is overwhelming! When i first saw that i had 4 dislikes my reaction was along the lines of 'Oh gawd they're right. I'm a shitty writer and a miserable excuse for a human being. i should just kill myself.' But after reading the comments not only do i want to keep living but i will also continue the story, so yay to that.

And i apologize for those that don't agree with my interpretation of Jorge's character. I always disliked the poor characterization in the Halo games and felt that there was a lot of miss-potential. I chose Jorge because i felt he was the most 'human' of the Spartans and wanted to expand on that. That and the whole slipspace thing is a perfect way to send him to Equestria.

So far so good... It looks pretty good

im.tracking this .shits awesome

I declare that a spin of should be done with Emile

He would kill them all:pinkiecrazy:

Good job, great Halo crossover!

What I want to know is that how did you get this past the mods? I love this story but your first chapter has no ponies. My crossover fic actually got denied the first time because I had no ponies in my first chapter. Did you write these two chapters, then submit it or what?

633506Who the FUCK said they would be enemys?

638580 the guy has been fighting aliens for 25 years. Gonna bet he is not going have trust with a new species

640491..............He wouldnt just start slaughtering them you fucking blood loving idiot.Besides...who the hell would hurt the cute ponys?!

640506 he wouldn't slaughter I ment like knock them out or something like that, or he is gonna start running dark

heres jorges reaction of marshmellow mountain "fuck yeah":pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2::yay::eeyup:

A halo crossover with huge potential!
le gasp!

Keep up the awesome work! You have found an extremely awesome plot and character progression/development.... Think of the possibilites

This day just keeps getting better! Just as I think I'm about to get something done *BAM* this story updates! DROP EVERYTHING AND READ!

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