• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2019



I know I don't have many people who watch what I post but... · 8:36am Apr 3rd, 2014

I have been watching Sword Art Online... Just watched Yui's Heart...

Report Slaughterstone · 376 views ·
Comments ( 22 )
  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22

1121071 Crusader may not be human, humanoid, or even all that mobile but he is still one of the best tech/"human" characters in Equestria stories I've read.

Thanks so very kindly for the favorite on Legacy!:yay:

Thank you very much for granting 'An Apple for Ya Trouble' with a favorite! :raritystarry::heart:

thanks for the fav on "Love's Light: Is it Possible to Love Again?"

Parents sure can be stressful. Especially if they're completely bat-wing insane!
Still, I'm glad we had this little talk. It was... interesting.

Thank you very much for the favourite and the support of this silly story, and I hope we can have a few more talks in the future.


- KR

  • Viewing 18 - 22 of 22
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