Big Mac Facts · 7:51pm Aug 27th, 2012
A bit of a running joke that I started after reading tealspeckles comment in Old Traditions that I moved here to give the author less of a headache... have fun
Start: tealspeckles ->big mac once punched a pony so hard, every pony in canterlot felt it, and he was in neighpon!
Big Mac once helped Celestia lower the sun, by glaring at it
Before Discord goes to bed he checks his closet for Big Mac
Hello you are cordially invited to join the revived Soaking Wet Memorial School of Magic
I've been doing okay I still come on this site ounce in a while but tbh its never going to be my main haunt again (I am very displeased as to a lot of the decisions the staff have made in regards to it. I largely just come to read stuff now.
1288076 fairly well, trying to finish my Associates degree is a pain but nearly over, just have a couple of semesters and an internship to find
and Currently on an RP break
How about you Professor, how's it been?
Ah yes now I remember you now. Its good to hear from you How have you been?
1286316 Yeah we have, I was one of your 'students' before the class shutdown
I thought I was following you before from the class but apparently not, so I fixed it