• Member Since 30th Dec, 2011
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Evident Disaster


sorry for not returning sooner... · 1:38am Jul 23rd, 2013

Current things at home aren't so good right now. On top of current studies I haven't been able to allocate more time to fanfics.
The only one bit of news is that I have been able to add a new story soon, that will be Gundam Equestria series I'm going to start.
The fic will launch hopefully this week. I have a lot riding on this...
Oh by the way I've been trying to rewrite all of my older fics and tried adding new content, it shouldn't be long before they also come back to the front page.

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Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

The emerald ranger?
Where is ch1 at?:rainbowhuh:

any news on my little anthro the solar solstice? i love the story :heart:

Oh and which universe would that be? :trollestia:
Nah I'm kidding thanks for the watch.

Oh my gosh! A Writed who uses my favorite universi. FOLLOW!

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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