The Changeling Research Group 454 members · 1,132 stories

This is a group dedicated to the study and science of changelings. Wanna talk to someone about how changeling society might function, physiology, biology, et cetera? Do you just like changelings?

This is the group for you.

Story Rules:
Submit any stories you find covering this topic, or changelings in general, into all appropriate folders —as in, if it has that tag. My primary job is to dig through every new member's stories and add them as is appropriate, but you can do it yourself. All stories must:

1. Be changeling related, have a changeling playing a lead or antagonistic role. It can be the main character's best friend, or the main character itself. Yes, Chrysalis and Queen OCs count as changelings.

2. Be of a Teen or Everyone content rating, or put into the Mature Folder. I mean it. If I see that blood red highlight around the letter M in the Main Folder, I will take it down without hesitation.

Forum Rules:
Pretty standard. No attacking each other, hating on other people's ships, or flame wars. Don't set out to provoke one another. We're all friends here. All new threads must be changeling related.
I'm serious. I have a ban button, which I shall use sparingly, and not without getting both sides of the story first, but it exists.

Now go out there, and do some science!

Founding Father (preferably Washington —but with less slave ownership): Me

Icon from here by the one known as siggie740, who gave me permission to use it.

Comments ( 24 )
  • Viewing 5 - 24 of 24

Who added my story before I did?

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

Its an unspoken rule. If headcanon applied here than there would be so many conflicting headcanons that it wouldn’t make sense. This group is for canon changelings. You can infer their life, physiology, etc but not rewrite them

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

No, they don’t. I don’t have my own headcanon. This group is for canon changelings. Not your head canon changelings

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

It’s your headcanon. Thus, your headcanon does not apply here. Create your own alien changeling group

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

This is a group about researching canon changelings, not your crazy insane alien things

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

Your head canon is not welcome here.

Comment posted by annonymus deleted Feb 3rd, 2019

Wow. My garbage story got added to group by someone who wasn't me? Your either kind or crazy, either way, Thanks!

411856 You are what you eat.

Changelings are love, changelings are life! :yay:

So-orry! I just remembered to ask! :twilightblush:

411730 Click your name on the top bar, lower your mouse to the groups section, and there will be a space for you to enter a new group title, as well as a list of every group you've joined. Though this is more a question for the Writers' Group or New Groups.

  • Viewing 5 - 24 of 24