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Why are all characters in movies and games middle aged explained and why you should actually think about your reader base. · 5:21am July 10th

This guy makes a good point about changes in games, stories, and movies since the 80's. Why knowing who your reader base is, is so important and how forgetting who your readers are, can tank your story.

This video basically answers the question his wife asked. "Why are women all middle aged now in movies and games?"


Report rikithemonk · 48 views ·
Comments ( 79 )
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Hey I see what you’re doing in my comments and thank you it means a lot but I believe that we both know your time is better spent on something that’s actually important, unlike that person who is so focused on spelling and grammar that they can’t even enjoy a simple story.

But thank you for sticking up for me. The reason I don’t remove the comments or anything is because I believe in freedom of expression and speech, even if I don’t like or agree with what I’m hearing. Everyone deserves to be heard. Even if they are annoying or mean.

To the author - Hi my name is musoperatica. i saw your comment on A wraith in winter by Unknown error (i have no interest in the story nor into that show called game of thrones) then clicked on your username & glanced through blogs.
if you want originality come to me don't have any stories to post but i will soon once the holidays are out of the way

p.s: this happened on the 17th of December, 2022:twilightsmile:

this message was written out on 12/21/22

Thanks for the fav!:moustache:

Oh my god. That is the most epic and righteous dress down of the displaced genre I have ever read.

That is awesome XD. You've earned a follower simply for that.

  • Viewing 75 - 79 of 79
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