• Member Since 15th Sep, 2019
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I am Morgan, and I have the needs of writes. So I have begun. I post updates every two weeks! I am on Twitter at @RedgraveMorgan Please by all means, come add me so I can spam art at you all!

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  • 8 weeks
    Wow. Holy crap!

    SIX HUNDRED LIKES! :pinkiegasp:

    Holy hell, Thank you all so much. :heart:

    I'm sitting here, editing this latest chapter, and I checked FimFiction just to find that we, because I damn well didn't get here without all your support, have managed to reach the 600 mark. I'm floored. I know I say it a lot, but I am humbled by you all. This means so much to me that you have stuck with me, both the old and the new.

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    7 comments · 231 views
  • 13 weeks
    I am ready

    The stage is set, and the chapter is ready. Tomorrow, boys, and possibly girls, we begin again.:trollestia:

    7 comments · 159 views
  • 13 weeks
    New Book Cover!!!!

    As the title says, New Book Cover! :pinkiecrazy:

    Credit goes to @LXIX_ST, or SchnellenTod on Twitter for the image. And the wording is from my editor, who remains Anonymous. :moustache:

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    11 comments · 231 views
  • 13 weeks
    Woo. Stressful.

    So...I spoke. For the first time on a live stream. Stressful and I'm pretty sure I sound like an idiot. Anyway. Hope those that tuned in liked hearing from me

    Rum is my friend.

    0 comments · 109 views
  • 14 weeks

    Morning. Or afternoon. Whatever the case may be for you.

    I just got the word yesterday, tomorrow night I have the 5:05(Pacific Standard Time) on Barcast. It's their final episode from what I understand, and they've actually had a very long history supporting the community and the artists and writers within.

    Please come join us, so you can hear me rant about whatever they ask me for ten minutes.


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    2 comments · 169 views

Wow. Holy crap! · 4:17am May 27th

SIX HUNDRED LIKES! :pinkiegasp:

Holy hell, Thank you all so much. :heart:

I'm sitting here, editing this latest chapter, and I checked FimFiction just to find that we, because I damn well didn't get here without all your support, have managed to reach the 600 mark. I'm floored. I know I say it a lot, but I am humbled by you all. This means so much to me that you have stuck with me, both the old and the new.

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Report Morgan83 · 231 views ·
Comments ( 37 )
  • Viewing 33 - 37 of 37

Okay, so. Yeah. I'm floored. Holy crap! :rainbowderp:

First, I got your story keyed up in a tab, and I'm going to be going through it a little later when I am not buried in my writing.

Second, I'm honored that I inspired you. It's nice to know that I am passing on what others have done for me. Take your time with your story, don't become me, and take plenty of breaks.

Yes, yes. Practice what ya preach. :rainbowwild:

Still, keep it up, and don't push too hard.

Third, not everyone is going to like my story. Those lackluster responses are one of two things. I've either done something with the story that doesn't make sense to them, or they are just too critical. I'm not gonna debate what one it is, as it's their preference. In just here to entertain those that do enjoy it. Besides, sometimes, their criticism is valid. Or it causes me to view my story in a different light. This makes it a little better when I make those changes.

However, thank you for the kind words. I do appreciate them. :twilightsmile:

And finally, I agree. Much better rewritten!

Thank you once again, it truly has warmed my heart to see another seed taking root. May your writing journey be filled with support and peace!

I'll like to say it here and on your blog, you've been awesome and have been in inspriation for a while now. Between avid readers and writers, I've been trying to make a full story for the past year, but want to also get it done before just rushing into it. Maybe throw it to someone to edit before doing anything else. The last first story I threw in was back in October and I just did it out of pure inspiration and saw how others react.

I also saw some of the reviewers react to your story and their "Lack Luster" opinions on it. I just want to say you have made a great story, and it's been better rewritten. I'm sorry you've felt the way you had. I'll just say, you are your own keeper, writer and publisher, and be out there for others if you need a hand... or a hoof, whatever... :ajsmug:

Keep doing what you are doing, I have the patience, and you ARE quite a big inspiration to me. No matter what you do, I am happy to read your stories, and will happy to read more! :twilightblush:

Hey all, posted an update on my blog to kinda explain what is going on. Link is Here

You doing alright? Haven't heard from you since July, and it's always been my highlight of the month to see you update

Happy New Year for one of my favorite authors!

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