• Member Since 26th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A Functional Edgelord

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  • 171 weeks
    Sound effects

    Is there a way to add just sound effects without posting a whole video link?

    I have a new story brewing I feel would benefit from the sounds.

    If there isn't it's fine.

    0 comments · 230 views
  • 197 weeks
    100 follows

    Wow i can't believe how suddenly i reach 100 follows, im certain all of them came from Deergenerate but i appreciate it none the less and i promise i will do my best to deliver the Side character Deer story to the best of my abilities thank y'all so much


    2 comments · 259 views
  • 202 weeks
    Considering a Reboot

    I've been writing Death March for about a year and a half, I've read through all your comments and reread the story several times. I feel like there's a lot I could redo better and a lot that I should change. But I'm unsure if I should, so I'd like to leave it to y'all.

    There are some things that I won't change, such as the main characters and certain plot points but I'd like your opinions on what I should do.

    Feel free to comment and please keep it constructive.

    9 comments · 302 views

Sound effects · 4:41pm Apr 13th, 2021

Is there a way to add just sound effects without posting a whole video link?

I have a new story brewing I feel would benefit from the sounds.

If there isn't it's fine.

Report Toxicfox · 230 views · #ideas #sounds #music #questions
Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

Np love you're story

Thank you for the fav!

Comment posted by bluerock66 deleted Feb 1st, 2021

thanks and take your time.

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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