• Member Since 9th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Taelonso Grim will always be watching


Where are you merchant · 1:05pm Dec 19th, 2023

As the title says I wish to meet the merchant my self even if this isn't real doesn't make my want any less I've even made a list of thing I would buy from him and a reason on what each item will be used for and it's not a long list as I can find any other item I think of later and if this blog post actually gets him to meet me that would be awesome I just wish to make something better of my life then what I have which I see as wasted potential at the moment everything has become monotonous

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really good favourites


nick name :Taelonso Grim
Country: USA
state: California
Sex: male
Status: Single (if any pegasister should look)
Height: 6' "1
Eye color: a grayish hazel
Hair: dirty blond
Body: little heavy set yet losing currently 125 pounds lost
current job: security guard (allied universal security)

Reading fimfiction big time
also a very fast reader
i can finish a 10,000 word chapter in
bout 45-50 min timed my self
so keep them coming
Gaming console (Xbox and computer and soon to be PS5)
anime and manga

Comments ( 125 )
  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125

Thanks for the follow Taelosno πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Thanks a ton for adding my story to a bunch of your libraries, including your favourites!

I hope it’ll manage to keep your attention for many a chapter to come! :yay: πŸŽ‰

Thanks for the bookshelves.

I'm waiting until I get some more free time to work on Isekai'd

Thanks for Bookshelves

  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125
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