• Member Since 1st Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


Amature fanfic writer and a Wings Of Fire fan, making stories that I want to see so I do.

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  • 220 weeks

    I might do one shots for each character here, since I've been watching Critical Role lately.

    1 comments · 292 views
  • 253 weeks
    Update stuff and more ideas

    So exams have finished, and I can finally continue writing. But I have a some sort of dilemma, I have a lot of ideas for possible stories, but its a matter of do I start a new story or do I continue on my existing stories, its really hard to decide.

    1 comments · 327 views
  • 254 weeks

    So I haven't posted any thing new for a while as well as updates, that is because I haven't getting much sleep every day. School works have been piling up, and I have hardly have any time to do any stories. There may be some distractions here and there, as well as me thinking and making some new stories to write about. But I do continue on writing my already created stories, just at a slower pace. But I may not be able to write until Wednesday since our exams are starting. So this is just an

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    1 comments · 289 views
  • 258 weeks
    Is that weird or is it normal????

    Idk y, but I always seem to have a burst of excitement and anticipation when ever I post a new chapter, like waiting to open a gift in christmas. Do you guys ever get that???

    2 comments · 314 views
  • 259 weeks

    Okay, so another update, Animus Dragon is about 7k words in for the next chapter, and makes me feel like it's about to reach 10k.
    BUT, it also feels like I'm nearing the end of the next chapter.......... <----- this sounds like I'm ending the story, which I'm not, just the chapter is about to end, so that I could do the next one.

    1 comments · 307 views

Posibilities · 9:21pm May 7th, 2020

I might do one shots for each character here, since I've been watching Critical Role lately.

Report Undertotem · 292 views ·
Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Hey, are you going to do more or no or you can you do more of the dragon book or are you gonna just stop it because I thought you said it was not going to end or you would at least and it was a good one

How is the year treating you? Hope you find the time for a update or two :twilightsmile:

Happy new year. May 2020 be a memory filled one.

Ohhhhh. The Elements are coming! They're coming to save the day! They're coming to fight for what's right! The Elements! The Elements! Hooray!

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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