• Member Since 21st Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Son of Sombra and Princess Luna. Adopted by Rainbow Dash's parents. An Alicorn with dreams of grandure. What could go wrong?

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Blog Posts

  • 254 weeks
    The Shipping Game!

    Alright contestants! Welcome to The Shipping Game! Today's (and until I write the stories) challenge in to find a match (from any movie, book, or Tv show) to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity from the Equestria Girls world.
    Rule 1. They must be teenagers (so no deadpool)
    Rule 2. They must not be in a relationship with someone else ( E.G. No Eragon because of Arya)

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    4 comments · 363 views
  • 254 weeks
    New Avatar

    Hey Guys, Nightflight here. I'm here to show you my new Avatar. I can't get it to work so just look at my picture and comment what you think. Hail HYDRA

    0 comments · 242 views
  • 258 weeks
    Brother's birthday

    Today we celebrated my brother's birthday. Even though it was yesterday. My brother is the creator of Nightflight's right hand cat, Longtooth. As well as others such as, a stupid minion named Tealen Pastel, and Tealen's ward and apprentice Blade Glint. There are others such as Curiso, a Griffin that is part Castaway, and Gambit, a unicorn with a gambling issue. I am blanking on the others.

    1 comments · 269 views
  • 260 weeks
    Independence Day

    I have looked and there are no stories on the movie Independence Day. If you are reading this please create one. I'm writing one and I'd like it if there were more.

    0 comments · 238 views
  • 265 weeks
    New Story Ideas

    Hi! Nightflight here. I have had some ideas for stories and I want you to help me find which one to do after the Black Order
    1. Trixie Venom: based after Boast Busters Trixie at the end of her rope plans suicide. Venom comes to her with a plan for revenge.
    2.Trixie's Secret: Trixie is on the run after a family history is reviled.
    3.Equestrian Treasure: National Treasure but Starlight instead of Nicolas Cage.
    4.Magnificent Seven: new one not old one

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    0 comments · 253 views

The Shipping Game! · 5:30pm Sep 13th, 2019

Alright contestants! Welcome to The Shipping Game! Today's (and until I write the stories) challenge in to find a match (from any movie, book, or Tv show) to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity from the Equestria Girls world.
Rule 1. They must be teenagers (so no deadpool)
Rule 2. They must not be in a relationship with someone else ( E.G. No Eragon because of Arya)

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Report Nightflight406 · 363 views ·
Comments ( 48 )
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Thank you for adding my story to your favorite list! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for Favoriting Discord's Time Travel Trip! :pinkiehappy:

2950160 Thank you for Faving my story, Loving Slaver I will work hard to make things better.

  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48
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