• Member Since 1st Sep, 2014
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I love me a good Sombra fic.

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The Sequel · 9:04pm Sep 9th, 2016

Hello everyone, some info on the sequel to Loyalty to the King. I believe I will be able to post the story the following weekend most likely Saturday the 17th along with the first two chapters. But I'll be honest with you I don't have a firm end to this story yet. It all depends on how much I want to make up and how much of the show I want to use. This could possibly go on until the show ends or it could end a lot sooner I'm not sure yet. So with that being said there may be some long waits in

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Report Fullmetal_Pony · 558 views · Story: Loyalty to the King ·
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when do you think you'll get back into the swing of continuing shadows and rainbows again, I really want that story to continue

I found this. It's based on my favorite of your stories, have you seen it?


I want to tell you that there is a group called cmc 10k, and I am part of it.

You see this group is for fans of the CMC 10K by GatesMcCloud, and it is founded by PlanetsidePony last year.

It contained Discord.

Here are the link.



the cmc 10k group had a forum that will allow you to present your cmc 10k story idea or cmc 10k what if story ideas.

To understand very carefully, it all started when Discord was released. The mane 6 were corrupted by chaos and were defeated. Without them, Cadance and Shining Armor had no chance at defeating the returning King Sombra and became his obedient crystal ponies; Shining being his 'avatar'. And Luna. Poor Luna. Her sister lost to the new king, Luna found herself succumbing to an ancient memory.

Now the survivors of Equestria live in Vanhoover: a city where great technology grows to bring about the life of the survivors and the changed changelings. It is protected by Empress Scootaloo, Grand Inquisitor Sweetie: Leader of the Sweetie Sisters of Battle, and Kommisar General Bloom: Head of technological development. All three lived through a tragic past and do all they can to fight against the encroaching powers of chaos, darkness, and crystals to bring just a little more light to the lives of those they protect and watch over.

I am very serious about it.

My favorite overall character would probable be Discord. My pairing would be Twilight x Sombra.

Hello Fullmetal_Pony we had met before, I am here to ask you a question, what is your my little pony friendship is magic character and your favorite my little pony friendship is magic character pair?.

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