• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2018


Hey, I used to write cringy fics on her a few years ago, but I'm back and am hopefully alot better at it!


I'M BACK BITCHES · 5:52pm Mar 8th, 2016

Hey all, it's been four years, and I decided I would start reading my old stories again... Wow do they suck haha, anyway, I'm planning and starting a new one, so just keep your eyes peeled.

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Comments ( 6 )
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I now watch you...
:moustache: have a mustache


It's me that guy who pmed you over the course of the week well if your getting this that means you want to have your story added well at the moment i have three hundred other people to deal with so if you wold be so kind as to add it your self i would be ever so greatful.


Hey guys, the reason that i havnt been updating my stories is because my pc has broke. im using a friends atm but i cant update until i get a new pc

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