• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Monday

The Lord Thunder

Starlight Glimmer is best pony!

"Never doubt yourself. Just let it make you stronger. Learn something from it."

-Solid Snake

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Comments ( 74 )
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I am, indeed, still alive and still writing.

Would I be able to get a few pre-readers for a Starlight-Sunburst wedding fic?

I'm still alive, just not writing as much as I used to. Inferiority complex, writer's block, procrastination, work, etc. I know last year I said I'd have a new story up soon but progress on that came to an abrupt halt last summer when life circumstances put my editor, who's been working with me on the story since its conception in 2020, out of commission, leaving that story on the proverbial shelf until I can get it edited.

In the meantime, I'm attempting to finish another StarBurst story, which I hope to have up soon.

Comment posted by The Lord Thunder deleted Mar 27th, 2023

Anytime, awesome possum!

Always here if you need a friend. 😇

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