• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2018

The F8ful 1

16, writer, homestuck, planeswalker, (zodiac) Cancer


Return · 4:25am Feb 3rd, 2014

Wow... it has been a long time, hasn't it?
Huh, I spent a lot of time here. (Intense waves of nostalgia are up in this biznitch)
I always liked making lists, even when unnecessary. ESPECIALLY when unnecessary.
To-do list
1. Slice of Life story, no gimmicks past that really. Just... one pony in Manehatten... living.
2. Will try to do a LONG fic on ponies in a pokemon region. Confusing aspects still being pondered.

Past year retrospective

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Report The F8ful 1 · 559 views ·
Comments ( 25 )
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Sombra was a good villain

Hello sir or madame,
I am Obsidian Raindrop the creator of a group known as The Great and Not Obsessive Trixie I am here to ask if you would like your story to be added to my group.
The only requirements are:
1. You have a story about Trixie and she is not completely obsessing over her lose at the hands of Twilight. (She can hate that she lost to twilight and even try and beat again but she just can't be be so obsessive like she is in most stories. )
2. She may be a supporting character or a main character it does not matter.
3. i can`t think of a third thing
It's me Osidian again asking you guys to do stuff you don't want to.
1. tell me the name of your story and the one folder you want it in
2. join the group it is really cool and we'll soon get a banner up
3. fallow because it will boost my confidence
Sorry to all those who either received this email twice or who don`t have trixie as a main or supporting character. Also just PM me if you want your story added.
Yours truly, Obsidian Raindrop

Hey, thanks for the fav on Momma

188256 You're quite welcome. Thank you for writing such a splendid story (so far). Hardly splendid with the sad topic. I'm rambling now, aren't I?

Thank ya kindly for tracking Changes! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

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