• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

The Lord Thunder

Starlight Glimmer is best pony!


This story is a sequel to Love's a Roller Coaster Ride

Starlight and Sunburst are finally getting married! Will this celebration of love and unity proceed as planned? Or will anxiety, hijinks, squabbles and mishaps ruin their perfect day? Was inviting Discord as a groomscolt a good idea, or will things plummet into chaos?

Nopony ever said weddings are easy...

Cover art: Together forever by LittleCloudie on DeviantArt

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 12 )

Im really curious about this, but will Sunset Shimmer make an appearance in your story?

(Im sorry, but i'm into that "Sunset & Sunburst are siblings" theory)

Yes. Sunset is one of Starlight's bridesmares.

Congrats on finally publishing! :twilightsmile:

Thanks. It's been a two-year long struggle. :yay:

:trixieshiftright: I can see now why those two did it the way they did
:twilightsmile: Who? Starburst and Starlight have plenty of time.
:trixieshiftleft: Not them. Them! They eloped.
:twilightsheepish: But they're still at the hotel
:trixieshiftleft: Them, The Great and whiney Fashion Pony and the Hero of the Crystal Empire
:twilightoops: Spike & Rarity? Eloped?
:moustache::raritywink: It was sort of Discords idea
:flutterrage: You did what? Discord how could you...
:facehoof: So Discord made them compatible so Annarchy Shy of Chaos would have a friend.
:derpytongue2: That's future Spikes problem

:twilightoops: Spike & Rarity eloped
:moustache::raritywink: Discords snap of his tail caused a change our relationship....
:pinkiehappy: Baby Draconies and a trip to the Elvis All Night Wedding Chapel and All You Can Eat Buffet
:facehoof: That's why you only hear of Sunburst & Starlights wedding - Can't have a Royal scandal in the news
:ajsmug: I was a best mare and witness
:unsuresweetie: I was foal napped by my sister :scootangel::applecry: But the buffet was nice

:derpytongue2: cute story

This was a joy to read.
Thank you for posting.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

This was so wholesome and cute! :heart: Stories like this are like chicken soup for the soul! Good job!

Ah, high praise coming the only and only FoolAmongTheStars. Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Hopefully there were some humorous bits in there, too.

Wow, what an AMAZING story!!!! It warmed my heart. I loved it more

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