• Member Since 14th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 28th, 2016

R Hooftscastle

I am who I am, perhaps my stories will be good.. but maybe not.


Story from a friend · 6:15am Feb 29th, 2016

The third story featuring characters from the Hooftscastle family has been submitted. This one was an idea presented to me by friend on facebook for a pony page I run. He gave me a rough version of the story he wanted me to write, and let it up to me what I did with it. While I hope that others enjoy the story, so long as the person who had me write it is happy, I'll feel as though I did something good.

Report R Hooftscastle · 300 views ·

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Comments ( 2 )
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Thank you for having followed me from [Insertgenericuserfollowingtimehere].
I'm finally back and I'll try to write something worthy enough to be called a Fanfic.
It means a lot for me.
Thank you very much!

Thanks for the watch, too! (Just noticed I wasn't thanking people for this! :applecry: )

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