.............................. · 9:14am Feb 25th, 2013
Just kidding, I'm not leaving yet. I'm gonna write some Twilestia porn because that is the only thing I am expert at.
Just kidding, I'm not leaving yet. I'm gonna write some Twilestia porn because that is the only thing I am expert at.
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please come back
kk i um bak frem my hiatus!
Mind, if I'd continue Double Trouble?
It would be slow, but I like the story and don't want it to get lost in the waves of time.
It's highly unlikely that any of the 'cancelled' ones are going to be picked back up, but for any of the 'In Hiatus' ones, I plan to eventually finish. 'Eventually' being probably in a long time.
I just wanted to know if you are ever going to pick up any of your projects. I love your writing style and the plot lines.