• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 19th, 2015


I don't know.


Holy shit · 2:57am Jan 18th, 2015

what the fuck did knighty do this this festering shit hole?

Yeah, this is just to go down memory lane. I'm not gonna write any fics haha. Holy shit, I cant believe I wrote this shit.

anyways yeah im going back to my grave. cya

Report tragicCaligula · 544 views ·

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Comment posted by TJAW deleted Oct 25th, 2013

Don't think you know the commander more than I do. I know the commander because he's my pal. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the watch.:twilightsmile:

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Holy shit · 2:57am Jan 18th, 2015

what the fuck did knighty do this this festering shit hole?

Yeah, this is just to go down memory lane. I'm not gonna write any fics haha. Holy shit, I cant believe I wrote this shit.

anyways yeah im going back to my grave. cya

Report tragicCaligula · 544 views ·