• Member Since 31st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 22nd, 2023



A Little Something to Tide You All Over · 12:27am Oct 2nd, 2012

Sorry I haven't posted chapter 4 yet. Procrastination hits hard. But, don't worry. I will post it soon.

In the mean time, here's something else for you to enjoy.

Report Dakln · 382 views ·

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Comments ( 55 )
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261434 Haha well that's good like I said don't rush it the story is awsome so far I love it! I've refered it to several people. I mean ya most of the love for it is based on the movie Chronical but I really like the situational twist you put on it the fic can LITTERALLY go anywhere.

Well, gosh, thanks! It means a lot to hear you say that! I didn't think that my work was THAT good! And, while it's true that I've stopped writing chapters of my story, I've made a promise to myself not to abandon it! I don't know when I'll upload the next chapter, but I hope it's soon. I mean, I have the intention of writing two more stories after this one! One modeled after the movie Batman Begins, and the other modeled after... I don't know yet because I've considered many things. Maybe make it original, maybe model it after The Goblet of Fire, maybe The Dark Knight or The Dark Knight Rises to be consistent with the previous book. I don't know, but I know that I want this to happen.

Yo, Dak. How's it goin' I know that your soso on the idea of Apex Predator but man I tell you I don't read other peoples' fanfics too often but THIS one is the only one I've been dying to see since I found out there was a sequel and threequil to MLD. Not comparing it to it bro but this one and Duty of Love by some other guy are the fanfics I'm super excited about. No need to rush it but I do love this fic. If they had an icon for thumbs up i'd give ya one but they dont....

219550 Oh, right! Sorry!

Andrew says that to Matt when they fight:facehoof:

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