• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2023


America enjoyer, NATO enthusiast, military history and geopolitics appreciator.



Joining the Army · 7:43pm Oct 17th, 2017

Well, for a lot of reasons I won't go into here, I enlisted in the United States Army. Since I've got some college I get to go in as an E-3 (Private First Class) instead of a basic Private.

Also, the MLP movie and the new Bladerunner are both great. Go see them.

Report TJAW · 565 views ·
Comments ( 102 )
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please bad batch and mlp

greetings I wish to merch the Star Wars Universe with Mass Effect, Crysis, Transformers, Halo, Digimon, Xcom, Megaman,

Hi, sorry to be a pain but is it possible to ask a thread be deleted (for the SW group you admin), long story short it devolved damn near immediately and it's mostly just the thread poster being a troll and insulting people, at least in my opinion. Again sorry.

Honestly took me a while to realize I hadn't already.

nice story big halo fan i got the energy sword

  • Viewing 98 - 102 of 102
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