• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 52 minutes ago



Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

And she's not happy about it.

Hear what Celestia has to say back! Check out the spinoff:
Responses To A Disgruntled Friendship Student by keaton-furman-prower

Still want more? Have a multiverse spinoff by MixMassBasher, my contributing writer for Seasons 5-9.
Letters From Across the Disgruntled Multiverse

Editing by Neko Majin C.

The following is a work of parody, and is protected as Fair Use under section 17 U.S. Code § 107 of US Copyright Law. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and all affiliated characters are property of Hasbro Inc.

Chapters (278)
Comments ( 11707 )

Worth it for the "Once you go purple you never go back!" reference xD

This is a, well, it's a...different, shall we say:applejackconfused:...twist on the series. I must admit, I got a couple of giggles out of it.

I think I might have to track this...:rainbowderp:

Have you seen this video?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4JmXEufp7M&feature=BFa&list=LLZR2kXhXtXh8cjxz_Gdp_xw

Because this seems like the logical conclusion after seeing it. Funniest thing I have read in a while. Keep up the good work.

I got a laugh-boner from this! :moustache:

This is what you get if you analyze the show too literally.

710875 I wouldn't put it as analyzing it too closely or literally. I've just watched every episode more than 3 times, and I figured I'd make a comedy based on Twilight never losing that "why am I here" attitude that she had in the first episode, and yes, adding in a bit more crudeness.

Hahaha! Hilarious! Oh, I'm quite sure Twilight is very egotistical, she just keeps it under wraps. C'mon, personal princess protégé? Saved Equestria twice? The most powerful unicorn living??

Oh yeah, she's full of herself. These letters are perfect! Bravo!

:twilightoops: - But... I'm not like that...

Wow. This is... really fucking funny. My new favorite comedy fic.:rainbowlaugh:

I swear I've written letters like this.

this is genuinely hilarious great job

unicorns are that master race. heil Twilight!!!

711411 I'm very flattered. Maybe finally make it onto EqD. My last two stories that got high amounts of praise were rejected by Seth and crew, for being related to Cupcakes, and being a self-insert. I even submitted a formal complaint, which was flatly ignored.

712111 I hope to have more out soon. I have to break 2500 words to submit to EqD, if I decide I want to do that.

713962 I doubt that. My Cupcake Chronicles series is the most popular thing I have ever done online (200,000+ hits), and I tried to get as many people as possible to send a complaint about the EqD guidelines. Nothing happened.

I love this dark side of Twilight. XD

It's 2 in the morning...I think I may have woke someone up with my laughter. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Oh god are you doing all the episodes? Oh please do.

714792 The farther I get with readers still laughing, the more thrilled I become.

714797 That's my hope. If some end up being insanely short, I may bundle them into one entry.

Some punch lines are funnier than the rest, but in the end it's all comedic gold. "This just proves that Unicorns are the master race." "Well, I've only been in Ponyville for a few days, and it seems that you are already getting me back for dropping out of school. " This venomous sarcasm is awesome. I'm really looking forward to the episodes where Twilight and the Princess meet up in person and while they act all sweet in front of others I JUST KNOW they're going to be all hateful with whispers or back biting comments at each other or something. Glorious. Nice idea chap, well done. :moustache:

714843 Thanks. I actually have little to nothing planned. My weakest writing style is ad lib, and that's what I'm doing here. I'm winging all of it.

This is brilliant. You better be doing one for every goddam episode!

714853 That's my hope. If some letters end up being insanely short, I'll probably bundle them into one entry. We'll see. As I said, I've planned very, very little of this.

Oh wow. My sides hurt! Terrific stuff!


More and more, I'd almost say this was Trixie's letters to Celestia. It just fits with her character far more readily.

Oh, man. This stuff is just gold. Good on ya, mate! :trollestia:

Bru, I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG while. :rainbowlaugh:

Thus, favourite.

Oh such glorious day.
For another chapter of Disgruntled Student has been posted.

Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. Looks like someone's off their meds.

:trixieshiftright: Welcome to McSparkles, can I take your order?


.......Big Mac:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

You almost killed me with that, I have a new rule while reading your stories. Don't drink water.

Twilight Sparkle channels Yahtzee, with hilarious results.

Celestia's definitely gonna send you to the moon after all this is through, but don't worry. I'll be the first to petition for your release. :rainbowlaugh: This stuff is such a hilarious spin on the series.

This is great, as well as being comedy, it should be under Alternate Universe, just stating the fact that Twilight is pissed at the Princess, rather than 24/7 being in awe at her. I could just imagine Twilight writing this :twilightangry2: <(GODDAMN THE BITCH OF A PRINCESS)

Next up on Disgruntled Letters, Twilight invents bacon in a fit of rage.

Wow. Just... Wow. The other letters were pretty good, but the entirety of this one is made of epic and win.

Probably my favorite line goes to "I bet they're tasty," followed shortly by "What, is AJ made of dark matter?"

LOL at the Golden Arches joke.:rainbowlaugh:

Excellent as always.

Oh my Sisters, that "dark matter" ref . . . I wonder how many people actually get that.

They keep getting better, with each one making me laugh more and more :rainbowlaugh:

Hehe, keep this stuff up, man. It's great!

Now if only we could get Tara Strong to read one of these. :twilightsheepish:

"Not too much farther on, we ran into a gay sea serpent who was having a bad mustache day"
Admit it, everyone who saw the episode thought that :rainbowlaugh:

719677 No, Yahtzee talks about sex more XD

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