• Member Since 31st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 13th, 2013


Favorite Pony: 1: Fluttershy 2: Pinkie Pie 3: Rainbow Dash 4: Rarity 5: AppleDash 6: Twilight Sparkle


Overreact much? · 1:43am Jan 30th, 2013

So, after browsing my Tumblr, I mainly find people asking what they think of "Twilight becoming an Alicorn"....

When I first read this, I laughed a bit, but after clicking a link, and seeing it was true...I LAUGHED EVEN HARDER!

Cause I can only imagine how people would react to this. I mean yes its COMPLETELY out of the blue, much like the Crystal Empire was, but I am actually interested to see how Hasbro will take this alicorn thing.

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Report TheVideoGamingGuru · 392 views ·

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Thanks, read the clop fic, while im not really that big of a fan of it, this one was interesting, with two likable characters.

*squee* Thanks for the follow and the favorites.

270847 :eeyup: Yall better run before they get ya as well
you shut up before I deck you... talk about them like that...
your defending green italics and bold blue?
not really. Big Mac's just been a pain in the flank lately... he's becomming a jackass
Ah resent that, mah grest granpappy was a donkey.
do I have to follow all of you around? Can't you just stay where your supposed to.


They call me Host

Im Italic or Green.

Im Bold or Blue,and YOU are cute. *Wink*


I try to keep an eye on individuals that are licking their lips at me. :rainbowderp:
Lol, do they have names?

:trixieshiftleft: Ann lies :trixieshiftright:

  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64
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Overreact much? · 1:43am Jan 30th, 2013

So, after browsing my Tumblr, I mainly find people asking what they think of "Twilight becoming an Alicorn"....

When I first read this, I laughed a bit, but after clicking a link, and seeing it was true...I LAUGHED EVEN HARDER!

Cause I can only imagine how people would react to this. I mean yes its COMPLETELY out of the blue, much like the Crystal Empire was, but I am actually interested to see how Hasbro will take this alicorn thing.

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Report TheVideoGamingGuru · 392 views ·